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Ode to the Odd T-shirt

T-shirt designers are awfully clever. When it comes to “painting” their canvases, the results can be sweet, funny, and just plain jaw-dropping. Here are some amazing works of T-shirt ingenuity that we’ve been amused by in recent weeks.

First, some camouflage for when you’re trying to get lost in the urban jungle:

Below is a T-shirt promoting the movie Resident Evil–but I could definitely see some other brilliant non-zombie possibilities for this T-shirt format as well.

Below, the string is actually part of the T-shirt, and the blinds can be raised and lowered by pulling on it! Brilliant.

This one promoting healthy hair growth just makes me smile. I wonder if it comes in blond, brunette, and red hair options! And what about curly and wavy?

Child’s arm becomes elephant trunk. Too cute! I’ve seen variations in which the child’s head replaces the head of an animal printed on the shirt, but in this adaptation, the T-shirt does double-duty as a toy.

The perfect T-shirt showcases any number of perfect accessories. Roller skates, sunglasses–both?

We covered the Chalkboard Tees by Class Attire when they were at Renegade San Francisco last year and I bought a butterfly one for my niece. And yes, they come in adult sizes, too!

So which T-shirt’s your favorite? Have any other good ones to share?

Via Quirky Jessi via 10works.

[ Posted on May 13th, 2010 ]


  1. Tacky_cat says:

    Oh my gosh I would love to have the elephant one for my daughter! So cute 🙂

  2. megan says:

    Isn’t that one clever? I’m going to try to figure out whether I trust my drawing (or painting!) skills enough to try to make one for my niece!

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