Posts Tagged ‘skirt’

DIY: Leaf Resist Skirt

As promised, here’s one more way to use leaves to influence your fall fashion. Rather than use tracings or stencils made from the leaves, I used the leaves themselves as the “mask” before painting. I laid them down on the skirt, added a touch of glue stick to encourage some of them to hold independently (to contend with the gentle breeze created by the spray paint), and peeled them up when I was done. Now that it’s December, and leaves may be scarcer, you can swap out the leaves for some paper snowflakes to get festive.

leaf skirt finish

-Denim skirt (or, start with an old pair of jeans, like I did!)
-Fabric spray paint (gold)
-Pressed leaves (collect freshly fallen leaves a day or two in advance and press them between pieces of plain paper in a heavy old book)
-Glue stick

Optional (if you plan to refashion your jeans into a skirt first):
-Seam ripper
-Sewing machine and matching thread
-Fabric scissors

Make it:
Lay the skirt flat on some newspaper (to protect your work surface).

leaf skirt 2

2. Arrange the leaves over the front. Dab the back of each leaf with a single dot of glue stick (just enough to hold it still at the center).

leaf skirt 3

3. Spray the gold fabric paint over the entire front of the shirt. Embrace the splatters!

leaf skirt 4

4. Peel up the leaves, set them aside, and let the skirt dry for a few minutes. Then flip the skirt over and reposition the leaves on the back before spraying again. Let dry completely (about 4 hours should do the trick, but check the instructions on the packaging of the paint) before wearing.

leaf skirt 5

5. Try it on!
leaf skirt finish 2

Gold Leaf Skirt


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