Posts Tagged ‘thankful’

The Winners!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered the Facebook fan giveaway! Thank you to all who make things with your hands. Thank you for your patience while I was busy cooking a massive Thanksgiving feast for friends and family (and fixing a website database glitch that prevented me from logging on yesterday!). And thank you for sharing what wonderful things you’re thankful for these past few days:

Patience and understanding, thimbles shaped like watering cans, crafty families, beautiful golden leaves outside, long weekends, things you’ve learned, dance, chocolate, a warm place to sleep, friends…and more!

Congratulations to our two winners Nicole (who is thankful for “my BFF/sister, best-est supporter of all my crazy ideas!”) and Alison (who is “thankful for my sweet baby boy”), who each win a copy of either Generation T or Generation T: Beyond Fashion (winner’s choice!), a pair of Generation T scissors (for all their T-shirt refashioning needs), and one “A T-shirt is a Terrible Thing to Waste” T-shirt.

And, of course, the thing that got this most recent giveaway started — thanks for following us on Facebook! Spread the good T-shirt word among your friends — there’s another party to be had when our ranks swell to 3,000!

From Generation T, we hope you all enjoyed a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

[ Comments Off on The Winners! | Posted on November 26th, 2010 ]